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Capturing Screenshots in Outlook
Screenshots can make it easier to convey information, from instructions to error messages to key data. It will make the technician know and verify the main concern of the user to give the most accurate resolution.
How to use screenshot in Outlook
- On Outlook, click New Email.
- Click Insert tab.
- Locate Screenshot option.
Note: If the screenshot option is grayed out, please click the body of email to enable it.
- Click on arrow down button under Screenshot. A drop down menu will appear with two options:
- Available Windows – windows or applications that are currently open.
- Screen Clipping – option to select particular screenshot.
In this example, we will select Screen Clipping to get the exact screenshot that will add on the email.
- A screenshot will automatically attach to the body of the email.
Learn more about Capturing Screenshot in Outlook:
Capture Screenshots in Outlook